State Rep. Kathleen C. Tomlinson | Pennsylvania 18th Legislative District
State Rep. Kathleen C. Tomlinson | Pennsylvania 18th Legislative District
Reps. Tom Mehaffie, Frank Burns, and K.C. Tomlinson have introduced legislation aimed at implementing voter identification requirements in Pennsylvania. The proposed House Bill 771 mandates that registered voters present a form of ID matching the name listed at their polling place before casting a ballot. In instances where voters cannot produce an acceptable ID, they would have the option to affirm their identity in writing.
Currently, Pennsylvania voters are required to show identification when voting for the first time at a polling place. Those applying to vote by mail must provide either a state-issued identification number, the last four digits of their Social Security number, or another form of acceptable identification.
A Pew Research survey indicates that 81% of respondents nationwide support requiring government-issued photo identification for voting. The representatives argue that voter ID requirements could enhance confidence in election fairness and accuracy.
“It is important to encourage regular and robust voting to protect the very foundation of our constitutional republic,” stated Mehaffie. He added that people might be more inclined to vote if they had increased confidence in the electoral system. “This legislation offers numerous forms of acceptable ID and an alternative for the voter to affirm his or her identity, so we meet our constitutional obligation to ensure every voter has the right to vote.”
Burns emphasized, “It’s simple; we need to make sure that people who vote are who they say they are.” He stressed the importance of alleviating fears about election fraud and ensuring election integrity: "Restoring voters’ confidence in the electoral process – especially when so many Pennsylvanians believe ID should be required in order to vote."
Tomlinson remarked on the broad support for voter ID measures: “Voter ID is common sense and overwhelmingly supported by a majority of Pennsylvanians. These are the things we are sent here to accomplish, and it’s about time we get it done.”
House Bill 771 has been referred to the House State Government Committee for further consideration.